

Dravyaguna Dept. deals with the identification of Drugs (i.e. Pharmacology ) and action of Drugs (i.e. Pharmacology) this department of II nd year B.A.M.S. which deals with knowledge of medicinal plants in the treatment of various diseases. Here we teach students to identify the drugs, how to use them, how they work in the body and what effect they show on the human body, in which diseases they work, this whole knowledge about a single drug from identification to their therapeutic use has taught in this subject.

Specialities :

  • Herbal garden having more than 300 species and more than 600 plants. Some important species are Lavanga, Pippali, Dhataki, Banafsa, 5 species of Tulsi etc.
  • Besides market samples, drugs are collected from different parts of the country.
  • Dry and wet preservation.
  • Educational tours to various herbal gardens and wild plantation areas.
  • Infinite number of Terrariums.
  • Photographs and Charts.
  • Audio-Visual methods are adopted for teaching.
  • 3 acre land for herbal garden.
  • Classification and Grouping of drugs has done on different basis.
  • Department is having more than 350 dry specimens.
  • Compilations of all the documents on a single drugs-more than 50 compilation are available.
  • ‘Nakshatra Garden’ is the uniqueness of this department.
  • Digital Charts of Raw drug identification marks.